The Ministry of Melted Clocks by Thanos Kalamidas

We chase peace through battlefields of deadlines and anxieties, seeking its haven in a world that constantly hums with the discord of ambition. But what if peace isn’t a destination, but a state of being as fluid and ever-shifting as the tides? Imagine a world bathed in the soft glow of perpetual twilight. Buildings here … More The Ministry of Melted Clocks by Thanos Kalamidas

The war in Ukraine has changed Europe forever

“The war in Ukraine has changed Europe forever”Helsinki Security Forum 2023 discusses Europe in the era of radical uncertainty As the war continues to ravage Ukraine, Helsinki Security Forum invites international decision-makers and security policy experts to Finland to discuss the global implications of the altered security environment in Europe. The second annual Helsinki Security … More The war in Ukraine has changed Europe forever

War Commemoration Porn: Remembrance Day Celebrations by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 2017-11-13

The officials are called one by one to lay wreathes, a ceremony of mechanical efficiency.  With each laying comes the sense of wonder at how this could happen.  Political figures are the first to vote in parliaments and side with the executive when it comes to wars.  The temptations of human drives to tempt, and … More War Commemoration Porn: Remembrance Day Celebrations by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 2017-11-13

Memories of Futility: The Passchendaele Method of War by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 2017-08-09

“So fruitless in its results, so depressing in its direction was the 1917 offensive,that ‘Passchendaele’ has come to be synonym for military failure,a name black-bordered in the records of the British Army.”Basil Liddell Hart, 1934 Rarely does one word trap an image with such nerve tingling fright and awe.  But as an image of slaughter, … More Memories of Futility: The Passchendaele Method of War by Dr. Binoy Kampmark 2017-08-09

Is World War III Already in the Making? by Dr. Emanuel Paparella 2017-01-06

Guy Verhofstadt, an insightful European liberal Parliamentarian and lawmaker, former Belgian premier and chief Brexit negotiator, has already sounded the alarm: World War III may already be in the making and the election of a Donald Trump portents it. He is convinced that a “ring of autocrats” is presently trying to wreck the EU and … More Is World War III Already in the Making? by Dr. Emanuel Paparella 2017-01-06

Apr 7, 1994; Civil war in Rwanda

On April 7th 1994, Rwandan armed forces kill 10 Belgian peacekeeping officers in a successful effort to discourage international intervention in the genocide that had begun only hours earlier. In approximately three months, the Hutu extremists who controlled Rwanda brutally murdered an estimated 500,000 to 1 million innocent civilian Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the … More Apr 7, 1994; Civil war in Rwanda

War and its profiteers by Dr. Habib Siddiqui 2015-08-26

Who benefits from war? In the last three decades, I have tried to find the answer to this perennial question. All my research work has pointed to the merchants of war, or those who are affiliated with the merchandizing of weapons that kill. War was at one time a matter of necessity much like life … More War and its profiteers by Dr. Habib Siddiqui 2015-08-26