Diplomacy Boost: When Theory meets Practice in Africa by Dayana da Silva

In today’s evolving global landscape, the role of diplomats extends beyond traditional statecraft. Recognizing this dynamic shift, a visionary team has launched the Certified Economic Diplomat Programme. This eight-week online training initiative, designed with quarterly cycles of theory and practice, equips current and aspiring diplomats with essential economic diplomacy skills. Tailored for those whose home, … More Diplomacy Boost: When Theory meets Practice in Africa by Dayana da Silva

When Baroness Ashton killed European credibility by Thanos Kalamidas 2013-08-30

From the very beginning of her appointment, Baroness Catherine Ashton, as the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union, I had my doubts mainly based on the fact that her appearances in foreign policy and diplomacy were limited into obeying orders and satisfying the needs of the … More When Baroness Ashton killed European credibility by Thanos Kalamidas 2013-08-30

Preventive Diplomacy by Rene Wadlow 2011-04-06

The idea of preventive diplomacy – acting at the first sign of conflict before a pattern of violence sets in – has been made popular by the then UN Secretary General Dr Boutros Boutros Ghali’s report Agenda for Peace (United Nations, 1992).  An earlier Secretary General U Thant has summed up preventive diplomacy as “one … More Preventive Diplomacy by Rene Wadlow 2011-04-06

An honest rendering of the Middle East conflict? by Dr. Habib Siddiqui 2009-07-31

Books written by diplomats are usually very helpful to understand views of the governments that they represented. Martin Indyk’s book is an attempt to provide such an account of his diplomatic mission in the Middle East where he was the U.S. Ambassador to Israel from April 1995 to September 1997 and from January 2000 to … More An honest rendering of the Middle East conflict? by Dr. Habib Siddiqui 2009-07-31

Reagan, Gorbachev and Iceland by Thanos Kalamidas

Reykjavik, October 12th, 1986: “After the break, the president of USA Ronald Reagan said he had been sorry to keep the General Secretary of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, waiting so long, but Gorbachev knew the trouble Americans had getting along even with each other.” The president continued by saying that he had spent this time … More Reagan, Gorbachev and Iceland by Thanos Kalamidas