The son of vengeance 11 #novelette by Thanos Kalamidas

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the boy’s cluttered bedroom, the faint light a stark contrast to the day of rain that had come before. Maps, newspaper clippings, and a chaotic web of child drawings plastered the bulletin board – portraits of two men, their faces rendered in a mix of seriousness and … More The son of vengeance 11 #novelette by Thanos Kalamidas

Museums for Our Entry into the World Society by Rene Wadlow

18 May is the UNESCO-designated International Day of Museums. Each year, there is an overall theme but presented in many different ways by museums throughout the world.  This year, the theme title is “Museums as Cultural Hubs”. The role of museums in society are changing.  Museums keep reinventing themselves in their quest for becoming ever … More Museums for Our Entry into the World Society by Rene Wadlow

American Digression #thoughts by Gene Myers

I recall that during the 1970s that many mainstream USA-made products were of second-rate quality and reliability. This was most obvious with American-made cars of the period. It was intentional. There was an insidious business strategy. From roughly World War II until, say, 1975 American Industry was like an undefeated football team—30 wins in a … More American Digression #thoughts by Gene Myers