eBook Granny’s Beef stew with crust Narrative: Thanos Kalamidas

Ingredients: beef, olive oil, green pepper, mushrooms and grandmother’s secret, her love. This is what makes “granny’s recipes” stories full with the taste of love. There would be more stories by the fireplace, board games played under the watchful gaze of family portraits, and the lingering warmth of mormor’s love, as ubiquitous as the scent … More eBook Granny’s Beef stew with crust Narrative: Thanos Kalamidas

The son of vengeance 11 #novelette by Thanos Kalamidas

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the boy’s cluttered bedroom, the faint light a stark contrast to the day of rain that had come before. Maps, newspaper clippings, and a chaotic web of child drawings plastered the bulletin board – portraits of two men, their faces rendered in a mix of seriousness and … More The son of vengeance 11 #novelette by Thanos Kalamidas