The son of vengeance Part 17 #novelette by Thanos Kalamidas

Polisinspektör Mikael Hansson came out of the interrogation room with a thin smile of satisfaction etched across his face. It was a rare sight these days in the gritty world of law enforcement, but it was well-earned. The suspect, Officer Olle Lindgren, had cracked under the pressure of relentless questioning from three men plus Mikael Hansson, and the case was inching closer to resolution with all the missing pieces of the puzzle coming together.

However, his moment of triumph was short-lived as he spotted Officer Karl Nilsson waiting for him in the corridor, his hands fidgeting nervously. Mikael could sense trouble brewing just by the look on Karl’s face.

“Boss, we need to talk urgently,” Karl blurted out as soon as Mikael approached him. Without a word, Mikael grabbed Karl’s arm and steered him into an empty interrogation room nearby.

“Karl, I like you, and you know it, but this is not the right time for…” Mikael began, but Karl interrupted him urgently.

“Wait, give me five minutes to tell you what’s going on, and then you judge if I was right to come here or not,” Karl pleaded, his eyes wide with urgency.

Mikael sighed, conceding to Karl’s request. “Fine, you got three minutes,” he relented, taking a seat in one of the cold metal chairs.

And so Karl began to spill his tale. He recounted the events involving Emil Persson’s son, how the boy had recognized the individuals who had threatened his father before. Karl described how the boy had followed them, cunningly pretending to be … Polisinspektör Mikael Hansson’s son, and then cleverly insinuating that his father had devised a plan to capture them. The only way, according to the boy’s story, to evade capture was to dispose of the murder weapon at the recycling centre that very night.

Mikael sat in stunned silence, processing Karl’s words. It seemed almost too surreal to believe. A young boy orchestrating a plan to catch criminals? It sounded like something out of a crime novel rather than reality.

“He’s outside,” Karl said, breaking the silence. “I can take you to him so he can repeat the story.”

But before Karl could finish his sentence, Mikael erupted into laughter. It started as a few chuckles before escalating into full-blown hysterics. His laughter echoed off the cold walls of the interrogation room, drawing puzzled looks from those passing by outside.

“Oh gosh, the damn recycling centre…” Mikael managed between fits of laughter, wiping tears from his eyes.

Karl watched his boss with a mixture of confusion and concern. “You find this funny?” he asked incredulously.

Mikael finally managed to compose himself, wiping the last traces of laughter from his eyes. “You’re the one who won’t believe it, Karl,” he said with a smirk. “The robbers have hidden their loot in a room at the recycling centre, and since they have one of their own playing security guard tonight, none other than Officer Olle Lindgren, they’re planning to move it out of town!”

Karl’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh shit.” Mikael nodded, his expression serious now. “Looks like we’ve stumbled onto something bigger than we anticipated. A double play.” He said, his mind already racing with plans and strategies.

Without wasting another moment, Mikael and Karl sprung into action. They hurried out of the interrogation room, their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they made their way to the exit of the police station.

Outside, the night air was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the tension that hung in the air. Mikael could feel the weight of the impending confrontation settling on his shoulders, but he pushed aside any doubts or fears. There was no time for hesitation; they had to act fast if they were going to catch all of them red-handed.

The son of vengeance
Part 01Part 02Part 03Part 04Part 05Part 06Part 07Part 08Part 09
Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17
Part 18 The end

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