The Magic Match #poem Jan Sand

The curiosities of precosities
Might make clear
Why far and near
Can disappear
Into continuity.
So thus we earn
To concern
Ourselves with perspicuity.

To scratch a match,
Inspire fire
To illuminate the burn
Of what’s a meta for
But to gain new domain,
Open up a hidden door.
The multiples of this and that
Can conjoin in conceptual abstraction
To contain within our brain
A most delightful satisfaction.
This is where our mathematics
Slices through, dissolves the glue,
Of apparent specifics
With mysterious hieroglyphics
Where unknowns of x and whys
Deftly supplies the right replies
With unimaginables well beyond
The human mind’s designed comprehensions
To evaluate intentions.
Thus we swim in seas that seize
Pure fantasies
That surely direct the correct
Toward conveniences most magical,
Replete with frights of wrongs and rights
Towards the totalities of the tragical.

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