eBook The General’s Will by Vera Jelihovsky

The tale that portrays the deep anguish of a widow and her recovery from that sorrow. The narrative is about the sorry events that follow the death of head of the family. Heart-rending!

The General’s Will

An emotive and poignant story about a wealthy head of the family close to death and chooses to change how he divides his estate.

It happened in winter, just before the holidays. Ivan Feodorovitch Lobnitchenko, the lawyer, whose office is in one of the main streets of St. Petersburg, was called hurriedly to witness the last will and testament of one at the point of death. The sick man was not strictly a client of Ivan Feodorovitch; under other circumstances, he might have refused to make this late call, after a day’s heavy toil . . . but the dying man was an aristocrat and a millionaire, and such as he meet no refusals, whether in life, or, much more, at the moment of death.

Vera Zhelikhovsky, born April 29, 1835 and died May 17, 1896, sometimes transliterated as Vera Jelihovsky, was a Russian writer, mostly of children’s stories. She was Madame Blavatsky’s sister.

In Pubic Domain
First Published 1909
Ovi eBook Publishing 2024

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