A rebirth & the Ovi thematic magazine issue 29 by Thanos Kalamidas

Ovi lived a very strange, for me nightmarish – adventure lately, which was not a result of artificial intelligence but pure human con. However and as the old saying going, “our greatest obstacles present the most opportunity,” the nightmarish situation didn’t …kill Ovi on the contrary it gave a chance for a rebirth.

A rebirth to many levels since it gave me the chance to correct a lot of things from the past version, and the opportunity to return to some old project that were part of Ovi foundations, like the thematic magazine.

The thematic magazines were not only part of the Ovi foundation but it was the beginnings. This is how Ovi started twenty years ago. With a monthly thematic magazine and this went one for nearly three years. During the third year new realities came to online publishing, new programs and new platforms, not to forget the invasion of the social media, so Ovi turned from a monthly thematic magazine to a daily opinionated e-Magazine.

In these twenty years we lived our moments of Warholic glory and fame reaching an unbelievable amount of readership for an independent publication with zero income and promotion. But a daily magazine with at least four articles a day plus cover plus social media meant a lot of work which in combination of our works (we also need money to live) put eventually the thematic in a pause or made their publication rare and rarer. Oddly the last issue – ‘The Moon’ issue – was published almost 15 years ago!!!

So, to recap, Ovi 0.2 is here, from a new address and slowly climbing and reaching its old readership. There are a few more things to be done with this sudden change but …the thematic magazine is also back which for me is a big moment.

The choice of the theme was intentional. I was looking for a theme that might attract many to write and read and it will also help me experiment with the new situation, the new challenges and the new online reality, especially regarding the technical side of it. You see nowadays, and twenty years after the first issue of the Ovi e-Magazine, people read magazines, books and newspapers on their telephone screens and the new Ovi e-Magazine has to be able to accommodate this new reality. If you have tried to read any of the old issues in your telephone or your tablet, you know what exactly what I mean.

So, without any further rumbling, this is it. You are reading the new Ovi e-Magazine of the Ovi 0.2 era!

Before ending my editorial I must mention the absence of two loyal friends who would have been extremely happy to see the rebirth of Ovi magazine, the late Emmanuel Paparella and Ernesto Paolozzi.

So… Read the Ovi e-Zine it online HERE!
View & read it online or download it in PDF format HERE!
Or find it in the Ovi Thematic eMagazines pages, HERE!

Enjoy the new Ovi e-Magazine issue
Thanos Kalamidas

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